Ó1994 McElroy Consulting, All Rights Reserved Mark's Install v 1.7 Released 2-15-95 McElroy Consulting 17908 Brazil Rd. Cleveland, Ohio 44119-1909 mark.mcelroy@pcohio.com Compuserve: 73563.1037 Disclaimer: Although this software has been tested in many different systems with different software this software is sold "as is" and without warranties as to performance or any other warranties whether expressed or implied. Because of the various hardware and software environments into which this program may be put, no warranty of fitness for a particular purpose is offered. The user must assume the entire risk of using and evaluating this program. Any liability of the seller will be limited exclusively to product replacement or refund of purchase price. NOTE: Mark's Install is packaged using Info-ZIP's compression utility. The installation program uses UnZip to read zip files from the disk. Info-ZIP's software (Zip, UnZip and related utilities) is free and can be obtained as source code or executables from various bulletin board services and anonymous-ftp sites, including CompuServe's IBMPRO forum and ftp.uu.net:/pub/archiving/zip/*. License: You may use the INSTALL.EXE program to distribute your software. Make as many copies as you want. Do not distribute any of the other files included except packaged together as INWIN37.ZIP. I of course have no authority to limit the distribution of the two programs UNZIP.EXE and ZIP.EXE which are the property of Info-Zip. Info-Zip: The full packages that the Info-Zip programs came in are available as ZIP20X.ZIP and UNZIP51X.ZIP from Info-Zip. There are other packages also available that contain the source code for the zip and unzip utilities. I strongly advise you to get these from Info-Zip, as they contain all documentation and associated utilities. I am not charging for Info-Zip's programs, in fact they are only included to show that my INSTALL.EXE program can use any command line compression/uncompression software. I only used Info-Zip's package because it is a good choice, not because it is the only choice. If you wish I can include the Info-Zip packages in my distribution. Just add $1.00 US to the total package price to cover the cost of the diskette, and specify that you want me to send you a copy. The following seven files are included in version 1.7 and packaged as INWIN37.ZIP READ_ME.TXT --- This File in a DOS format INSTALL.EXE --- The Installation Program INSTALL.BMP --- A Demonstration bitmap Logo, 256 colors RLE Encoded UNZIP.EXE --- Info-Zip's freeware unzip utility (included here as example) UNZIP.PIF --- An example PIF file to execute the unzip program UNZIP.BAT --- An example batch file to execute the unzip program INWIN.ZIP --- A Demonstration zip file Containing: READ_ME.WRI --- This File CONFIG.EXE --- Configuration Utility for Install INSTALL.EXE --- The Installation Program JUNK.BMP --- A Demonstration bitmap Logo, 256 colors RLE Encoded ZIP.EXE --- Info-Zip's freeware zip utility (included here as example) 1.ICO --- An icon for the config utility, demonstrates external icons 2.ICO --- An icon for the JUNK.BMP file 3.ICO --- An icon for the JUNK2.BMP file EXAMPLE.BAT --- A batch file that builds the INWIN.ZIP file SHAREWRE --- An example sub-directory tree can be zipped FILEHERE.TXT --- An example file in a subdirectory This Program is being marketed as Shareware, please feel free to distribute this version. I only ask that it be distributed as INWIN37.ZIP and that it always only contain the above seven files. Introduction: This utility is provided for all those programmers out there that need an installation utility that is inexpensive and easy. This version is fully functional except that it has an additional menu item which credits McElroy. This item is rarely offered to the user, so you can use this package as is. You do have my permission to use the Shareware version for your distribution software, but the registration fee is small. (So I would appreciate it if you registered!) Also registered users get the latest versions at no additional charge at the time of registration. Who knows what fancy doodads will be added in the future! Also work has started on Windows NT, and Win32 versions. Registration of this package is available in two levels. Level A includes: - The latest versions of the programs in this package without any mention of McElroy Consulting. - Complete Documentation. - A license to reproduce and include the INSTALL.EXE program with the sale of your software. - Notice of updates via Newsletter. Level B includes: - Everything in Level A - A Supervisor Program to alter expiration and about dialog. + Plus SOURCE CODE includes everything necessary to compile with Borland C 4.0. and instructions to compile the bitmap logo into the INSTALL.EXE file for faster loading. Features: v1.3 2/15/92 1. This install program can copy multiple files to a predefined directory on a hard drive. 2. The copy procedure supports LZ decoding of files compressed using the Microsoft "compress" utility. 3. The files can be renamed when copied. The destination files can have different names from their corresponding source files. 4. Multiple Disks containing source files is supported. 5. The install program will create a Program Group under the Program Manager. 6. The install program will create Program Items for user Specified files with user specified captions. 7. The config program allows the user to preset all text messages (except errors) 8. The config program allows the user to preview the logo bitmap and all message boxes. 9. Any windows bitmap file can be used as a logo. 10. The startup window can be set to maximize after a user preset number of milliseconds. New Features: v1.4b 10/15/93 11. The startup window can be set to automatically size and center itself around the logo bitmap. 12. The install program can optionally scan the destination drive for available space, and return error if insufficient space exists. 13. The configure program scans the source files for size and stores the total in the install program. 14. The install program shows a status bar while files are being copied. 15. After the files are installed the install program can optionally execute a command line. New Features: v1.5 5/15/94 16. Ability to copy zip files and then unzip them with command line 17. Ability to choose to execute the command line before the group is created under the program manager or after exit from install. 18. Example of use with freeware unzip program New Features: v1.6 6/15/94 19. Ability to attach external icon files to program manager items. 20. Ability to allow user to change destination directory. 21. Ability to build instalation disks from the config program 22. Ability to copy to networks and or removable disk drives. 23. Can be used without bitmap. (no error if bitmap is not found) New Features: v1.62 8/15/94 24. Can copy and install group icons for up to 50 files. 25. Group items file names can have path included (no limit on length) New Features: v1.63 9/15/94 26. Write Protect bug fixed. 27. Will now run uncompress minimized. 28. Install can optionally have no menu bar. 29. Confirmation of group is optional. New Features: v1.7 2/15/95 30. Multiple Disks better supported. 31. Improved Error Checking for Multiple Disks. Ordering: Send: $25.00 (U.S.) for Level A or $35.00 (U.S.) for Level B Ohio residents : add 1.75 or 2.45 sales tax. Add $1 for InfoZip and we will send it also. To Order send your check or money order made payable to McElroy Consulting for the appropriate amount TO: Install Program McElroy Consulting 17908 Brazil Rd. Cleveland, Ohio 44119-1909 or EMAIL TO: 73563.1037@compuserve.com or mark.mcelroy@pcohio.com Delivery via Compuserve is available at your expense. Specify 3.5" or 5.25" diskette. If you do not you will receive 3.5". Please allow 2 weeks for delivery of orders paid by money order or cashiers check, and 2 to 4 weeks for delivery of those paid by personal check. Usage instructions: Upgrade Information You can upgrade a v1.6 INSTALL.EXE file without having to re-enter all the data. See the UPGRADE.TXT file. General Information v1.7 loads the bitmap file from the diskette after loading the program. For most logos this is no problem, but on slow machines or with poor disk caching this can require some time (1000 to 2000 milliseconds on a 486-25) for a large bitmap with 256 colors. It is therefore recommended that you use 16 color bitmaps and try to limit the size or use a draw program that can store the bitmaps in a Run Length Encoded format. (Or give up on the Intel 386sx-25 processor.) There is a limit of 30 files that can be copied or added to a program manager group. You can increase this by using a compression utility to combine many files into only a few compressed files. The Install program only creates one directory, but a directory tree can be stored and recreated using a compression utility, as in the included example. The config program is not required for installation of your files. It is provided to change the parameters in the INSTALL.EXE file. You should NOT distribute the CONFIG.EXE program. The two programs should only accompany each other when compressed into the INWIN37.ZIP file. This version will continue to be updated, check your BBS. THE CONFIG.EXE PROGRAM The config program allows you to change the parameters used by the install program. These parameters include the following: Title Bar Text Bitmap File Name Source File Name(s) Destination File Name(s) Destination Directory Whether or not the user can change the destination directory Number of Installation Disks Group Name Item File name(s) Item Description(s) Item Icon(s) Window Default position and size Time Delay Maximize Window at end of Time Delay Message Box Caption Message displayed before copy begins. Message displayed before the group is created and the items are added under the program manager. Message displayed after all installation is completed. Whether or not to execute a command line before or after the program manager group is created. Command Line to execute. Whether or not to show a menu bar during install. Whether or not to allow the user to cancel the Program manager Group build. The Configure main window The main window is a preview of the default window settings. Any change in its position or size is recorded and can be saved as the default. The Config.exe menu: The configure menu consists of four items; Configure, Messages, About, and Exit. About and Exit menu items are self explanatory. Messages menu item Select the Messages menu item to preview the three messages listed. If the user is allowed to change the destination directory the dialog box that the user would see is shown. Build menu item Select the Build menu item to copy the files required to install to a diskette. You may choose either A: or B:. The build will copy all files on the source line plus the install.exe program and the bitmap file. Configure menu item Select the Configure item and the Install configuration dialog box appears. This dialog contains all the information stored in the INSTALL.EXE file. Pressing the "SAVE" button saves the settings to the INSTALL.EXE file. Pressing the "CANCEL" button closes the dialog box and all changes are lost. The Time delay is the amount of time to wait between the opening of the install program and the Maximize Window command and/or the first message box. NOTE: When multiple files are to be copied: 1. The files must be in the order that they are to be copied. 2. The filenames must be separated by commas "," with no spaces e.g. "file1.txt,file2.txt,file3.txt" 3. The destination file names if specified are used in order. If there are fewer destination names than source names then the source names are used. e.g. source names "source1.LZ,source2.LZ,source3.bmp" destination file names "dest1.txt,dest2.exe" RESULT of copy is three files; dest1.txt dest2.exe and source3.bmp 4. If the source filenames are not to be changed then the destination line must either match the source line, or be empty or begin with a left parenthesis "(". if the destination line is left blank then the program saves this line as "(SAME)" 5. There cannot be more destinations than sources. This will return an error in the install program. 6. If more than one disk is required to store the source files then they need to be listed in an order that allows each disk to be used only once. e.g. disk1: sorc1.c sorc1.def disk2: sorc2.h sorc2.rc sorc2.bmp disk3: sorc3.doc sorc3.ico The source files line must be in the following format for this example: "sorc1.c,sorc1.def,sorc2.rc,sorc2.h,sorc2.bmp,sorc3.doc,sorc3.ico" 7. If the Group Items filenames are not to be changed then the Items line must either match the destination line, source line, or be empty or begin with a left parenthesis "(". if the Group Items line is left blank then the program saves this line as "(SAME)" If this line says "(SAME)" then the destination line is used, if that line says "(SAME)" then the source line is used. 8. The Item captions must be in the same order as the Group Items, or destination files. Program manager items are created under the new group until install runs out of item captions. The item captions must be separated by commas ",". The item captions may contain spaces but they may not contain commas, because a comma is interpreted as a delimiter between item captions. 9. The Item icons must be in the same order as the Item captions. If the default icon for an item is to be used just skip that item in the icon list. e.g. If I wanted to replace the default Icon of only the third item with REP.ICO, then the Icon list would be: ",,REP.ICO,,," this will skip the first two and the last 3 items and only replace the third item's icon. 10. The Command line is optional and does not need to be a full path command line. The Command line is executed from the destination directory. A .PIF file is required to execute DOS unzip programs in a minimized state. Although a .BAT file should be executed. If the Command checkbox is GRAYED then the command line executes after the files are copied, and after the program manager group items are added. If the Command checkbox is CHECKED then the command line executes after the files are copied, and before the program manager group items are added. If the Command checkbox is EMPTY then the command line is ignored. ERROR MESSAGES "WRONG VERSION - Requires v1.63" - The INSTALL.EXE file to be written to is not v1.63 (config can read v1.6x but not write) "Cannot find data block in INSTALL.EXE" - The INSTALL.EXE file is not valid. "Cannot Read Data from INSTALL.EXE file." - Can't open the INSTALL.EXE file. "Cannot Write Data to INSTALL.EXE file." - Can't open the INSTALL.EXE file. "too many files specified for copy LIMIT=50 files." Only 50 files can be copyied by Install.exe "All files must be scaned for size - The Config program needs to calculate (all source files should be in the size of the files to be copied the same directory as the so all files to be copied must be in the INSTALL.EXE program)" current directory "bitmap has changed" - A new bitmap is about to be loaded "Load Bitmap Failed" - Refers to bitmap compiled into INSTALL "Lock Bitmap Failed" - Refers to bitmap compiled into INSTALL "NULL lpProc" - Cannot alocate memory for dialog process "Cannot create Dialog Box" - Cannot open dialog box (bad resource file) "This License SN: ####### , Expired 12-31-2000" - Some versions have expiration dates "Not Enough Space Available on Drive x, - Install scans the destination drive to see xxxxxxx bytes required" if enough space exists, if not then this. "Too many Files." - only 30 files can be copied "File not found." - The source file did not exist "Not enough disk space." - The destination floppy was full "Cannot open source file." - There was an error in the source file "Cannot open destination file." - There was an error in the dest file. "Cannot allocate a buffer for file copy." - Not enough memory to copy file. "Error reading source file." - There was an error in the source file "Error writing destination file." - There was an error in the dest file. "File not found." - One of the distribution files is missing. "Could not open DIB file" - Error in loading the Title Bitmap file. "Could not create SENDER" - Cannot establish DDE link with Progman. "The number of destination files is larger than the number of source files." Too many destinations (too many commas) "The handle identifying the source file was not valid." - System error in file copy "The handle identifying the destination file was not valid." - System error in file copy "The input parameter is out of the allowable range." - System error in file copy "There is insufficient memory for the required buffers." - System error in file copy "The handle identifying the internal data structures is invalid." - System error in file copy "The source file format was not valid." - System error in file copy "The source file was compressed with an unrecognized compression algorithm." - Wrong LZ compression "There is insufficient space for the output file." - Destination Disk is Full "Unknown Error Copying files #:____" - This should never happen "Cannot Execute Command" - The command failed to take controll within 30 seconds